Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Van deck noi

Translated as Children's day! When I read the e-mail from Finn's school saying there was no school because it was Children's day I wanted to scream "Isn't everyday Children's day?!" I mean, I'm sure my mom told me this when I was a kid and I asked why there was a Father's Day and Mother's Day and not a kids day; a few FB friends said the same thing.

Finn came home from preschool yesterday and proclaimed that tomorrow is children's day so there is no school, so you can stay home and play with me all day, I know someone spit their wine out some where.

I love my kids more than I love my wine, but come on,  REALLY? I am a stay at home mom from America, my whole life has been rededicated to my kids. I'm lucky if I get a hair cut once a year, god forbid I take a nap!

As a stay at home mom, I fully support take your kid to work day, where DAD gets to see how it is trying to accomplish something in a "normal" amount of time while entertaining a kid.

While driving today to go to a store where I thought I might splurge a little and buy the kids a crap toy they'd break in less than an hour, Finn asked me this "Why do we have to do what you want? Today is Children's day and we should be doing what I want!" Causing me to lose my mind and drive the wrong way on a one-way street. ACK! Luckily it's Laos and several other people were too.

The kids did eventually win, only because the activities I selected didn't actually involve me having to actually do much more than yell stop spitting on your brother.

According to Wikipedia lots of countries celebrate Children's day, but not all on the same day. Also according to Wikipedia Laos is in Vietnam! Not so trusting of Wikipedia anymore...

Next bid list, Mexico please, where I get TWO days dedicated to me ;)

P.s. Please DO NOT catch on in America

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