Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ready to scream

So this past week in Vientiane we've had quite a bit of rain. My helper has told me this isn't the rainy season, but it's coming, and quickly. With said rain, we've had many, many mosquitoes. For those not up to speed on this area of the world, mosquitoes here carry lots of scary things. So we always, always sleep under nets and I spray the kids with a non-deet product every day, twice a day, but fear this may not be enough, that one day the 104 fever one of my kids has is not just a random virus, but Dengue! So when I complain about this issue, I would feel it's justified to have people understand my fears and frustrations.

I am constantly seeking out standing water in my yard, which there seems to be a lot of, but that doesn't seem to be our problem lately, it's inside the house. Mainly centered in 1 bathroom that is always in use, but also in our kids room (hence my fears). One frustration is that many people are offering short term solutions to a LONG term problem. Vientiane isn't going away, mosquitoes aren't either; giving me a can of spray or having a company come fog the house isn't going to find the root of the problem.

I'm starting to realize, while I hate short term solutions, my real frustration is that I have no clue how to explain that there is a problem IN my house, and I can't say hey this is where it's coming from, I see this as an issue, do this to fix it. Nope, I am no expert, all I know is I have a problem and I need help.


  1. Ug. Who do you call for help on this? Someone in the Embassy? Someone local? I'm sorry to hear there's no long-term solution in sight. I'd be worried about my munchkins, too, if I were in the same situation.

  2. I have been round and round in circles trying to figure out the best way to approach it, and the best answer I've been given is to approach the embassy with the problem AND solution, but like I said, I'm no expert, so I'm not sure how to.

  3. So sorry! Wish I had a solution to offer!

  4. To be fair, the Embassy had already started testing and ordering some mosquito mist away systems. They said we were at the top of the list to get one, but I'd hit a breaking point when I started noticing dozens of them all over the house again, this time when no doors were open for long periods of time.

  5. Seems to be a solution for me is fabric softener sheets I don't know if you can get them there but there is something that attracts the pesty little buggers to them, u can try it. I'm sorry to hear that you've been going round and round. All in all I am so proud of you, and I get to tell all of my friends and family where my niece is now. Sort of like where is Carmen San Diago yeah you are a hit. Hope you guys are doing well got a care package on the way to you. Love Aunt Jackie
