Sunday, April 10, 2011

Things I took for granted

This is a list I started when I got to Laos of things I so took for granted in America

Motor vehicles: should be 'nuff said. Try living w/o one after years of depending on one. Especially after noting the next few things taken for granted.

Sidewalks: Try walking a stroller down a sidewalk here, you'll find cars parked on them, food stands set up and every so often a motorcycle driving on them. They are obviously not meant for walking on.

Paved roads: Again, try walking a stroller down our road, you may lose a wheel...just sayin.

Grocery stores: When you just need some spices, think again this particular market is only selling squirt guns and bug zappers today, but try again tomorrow and you might find that hose you've been looking for.

Pediatricians: Spider bite? Mosquito bite? Pink eye? could be anything, but no pediatrician to tell and good luck with the health unit that is always CLOSED. Oh and no motor vehicle...

A bug free home: Not having to sleep under nets or wear bugspray while in our house...

Asking for directions: language barrier much?

Online Bill pay: Cable is Thai, not Lao and paid for in Baht to someone in GSO? And Internet forget about it...

DEBIT CARDS:! really, I have to carry this HUGE wad of cash around in case the market is selling what I want today? No you don't take debit, or credit

There is probably a whole lot more that I will soon find out I took for granted, but for now these are the things I have most noticed and complain about, probably on a daily basis.

Enjoy this picture of how we've tried to overcome not having that beloved motor vehicle


  1. Oh, man! Painful. But an adventure, yes?!?!

  2. Good post! I wonder what you'll think at the end of your time there! :-)
