Saturday, October 12, 2013

ISO (In Search of): My SH**!

We have our first visitor arriving tomorrow so I've been tasked to get the guest room ready. No problem, let me take out our sheets, and oh the bathroom needs a shower curtain and towels...where are these things?

Between Mike moving in and receiving multiple shipments before I got here, changing house keepers and 3 kids constantly taking things out and moving them it's become a daily exercise to find things around here.


Getting out of the shower, I spent about 10 minutes opening drawers and closets looking for my jeans. I finally gave up and put on yoga pants for the day. Turns out they were with Mike's suits, you know to go with trousers.

Finn had P.E. at school, it took 10 minutes to find his uniform in Ty's dresser, in my room.

Making empanadas, I searched the entire kitchen for my rolling pin to roll out the dough. I Gave up and used a bottle of vodka instead. Still haven't found the rolling pin.

Where is.... has become a more common question, than the usual lazy kid go-to. Mike and I are calling out over and over: have you seen... where is... I can't find... didn't I send....

Even with the frustration of looking for stuff, I've decided that I will have some excuse to not be present when our shipments come in because Mike did a fantastic job setting up the house. Our house in Laos was an example of just how bad at unpacking I am, we had an entire room full of junk that I just didn't know what to do with. Every surface in the house was covered in stuff too, so even if I can't find anything, at least I'm not embarrassed when kids at the playground need to use a toilet and I send the mom's to my house.

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