Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The breakdown

Most people with a boy over the age of 3 has at least seen the show Phineas and Ferb at least once, right? Well it's Finn's FAVORITE! We no longer have cable, but do have DVDs of Phineas and Ferb so he can watch 30 minutes after school.

I think it's a fun show, but yesterday Finn had a complete breakdown from watching an episode where the Evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz decided he no longer wanted to be evil nemeses with Perry the Platypus and replaced him with Peter the Panda. There's a long scene of Perry walking alone thinking of all the "good" times and there's a sad song in the background. Well, somehow this had an effect on Finn that was beyond me. He got up in the middle of the scene turned the TV off and came over to me crying telling me how sad it was that Doofenshmirtz didn't want Perry anymore.

I thought I had some time before my kids started getting emotional over TV, but Mike and I both agree there's probably a real reason this could have an effect on him...DUH, we've had 2 BIG moves in his short life and with both moves he's had to say good-bye to LOTS of friends. Mike said the scene in the show probably reminded him how quickly someone can be out of your life, and he's still too young to comprehend why it would bother him so much.

After this and the way he acted out the day before our BIG move, I can clearly see it's going to be a trying 18-years with the kids and FS.

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