Wednesday, July 28, 2010

life with state

So for those of you who haven't heard, our departure has moved again. By only a few weeks, but in doing the math a few crucial weeks in my mind. Mike's training schedule has changed again to get his classes finished with in February instead of March. Like the first week of February, so we can leave mid February, if everything comes together, but this would mean #3 won't be 2 months, but just 6 weeks. Yes that's only 2 weeks difference, but that means no 2month well baby stateside and no shots. AH! Freaking out just a little, but I'm staying positive. Mommies do this all the time, come stateside to have a baby and leave right at 6 weeks. No big deal. Our departure will be mighty stressful though. #3 and I will need to both be cleared to go, we will have to drive somewhere in VA to get the birth certificate before the standard month time, get 2 passports for the baby and a visa....and the list goes on.


  1. I love that you've named the baby #3! That's AWESOME! You might have a Med Unit there--I'm not sure if all posts have these, but if you do, they should do all that stuff for free.

  2. From what I understand, no med unit, but I e-mailed the CLO to get an idea on what I can do.
